Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week in Review

Well, after 5 days of eating all the time (but really, surprisingly, I was only ever eating 900-1200 cals a day). But I was eating so much all the time that I was never hungry and had WAY more energy. Now, I get that 900 a day doesn't seem wise, but on the particular diet I'm on, I'm eating a TON of egg whites (very little cals) fruit, veggies, lean chicken, and a TON of water.

Some of the awesome/weird side-effects. I have WAY more energy. Despite the fact I think I went through junk food withdrawal several times. I only drink about half a cup of coffee now (4oz). I feel better now; not as "sick" feeling all the time. I do have gas though (hahaha)... but I'm much more regular; really the gas only happens right after I eat, and it's worse if I add too much salt.

Even my tastes have started to change. On Wednesday, after my workout, I wanted a grape fruit. I was shocked. I've never craved healthy things. Well, ok that's not completely true, I have craved salads before (with buffalo fried chicken on top). :) But a grapefruit? Cold from the fridge. An itty-bitty bit of Truvia on top (less than half a packet). It was SO good. Ate the whole thing. And the juice. It was so sour though that I didn't want more once it was gone. :)

The most difficult part is staying prepped for the next day AND eating every 3 hours. By Wednesday I was SO sick and tired of eating. Next week I'm going to incorporate some other recipes:
  • Spaghetti Squash with turkey meat balls and some homemade quick marinara.
  • Gazpacho.
That's all I got so far. Everything else is fine. Kinda getting tired of the sweet potatoes though. You can only eat those cold so many times. I may try baking half of one at work... we'll see.

4 pounds in one week is SO good. I'm stoked! Last time it took, what? 3 months of bitter weeping and hard work at the gym and starvation to lose 9.

Try it. I know you'll like it too.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Prepped and Ready to Go

Holy cow. I didn't know this diet would require me to eat a DOZEN egg whites a flipping day. My hubby went to the grocery with me and hugged me in the frozen veggies isle (after we'd finished my list) and said he was proud of me because he wouldn't go this extreme. Hahaha.

Spent an hour roasting sweet taters in about a teaspoon of olive oil. Grilled up some chicken strips (cooking spray used only). Thawed edamame. Steamed green beans. Boiled 18 eggs, pealed, separated (one of them came out bigger and red... it had a baby chicken in it... EWWWWW!!!) :) Seriously though.

I have meals for work for two days. I can't believe I made that much food for only 2 days!! Crazy.

I'm pumped though. Started practicing last week by trying to drink a gallon of water a day by 4pm. Difficult. But I felt great by the end of the week. Ironically I ruined it by drinking a large sweet tea (which I NEVER do... just wanted one). I came back to work and felt awful, so I purged it with water. By 4pm I felt back to normal. Kinda cool.

So, my meal plan for the week has the following options, although, for the sake of ease, I'll probably stick pretty closely to it:

Breakfast, 6:30am
4 scrambled egg whites
2 pieces of whole grain toast
Fruit (either half grapefruit (no sugar or maybe truvia) or a peach)

Snack, 9:30am
4 hard boiled egg whites
1 cup sweet potato

Lunch, 12:30pm
2 grilled chicken strips
1 cup sweet potatoes
1 cup green beans

Snack. 3:30pm
2 grilled chicken strips
1 cup sweet potatoes
1 cup edamame

Snack, 6:30pm
4 scrambled egg whites (if I'm even hungry at this point)
Fruit (strawberries or peach)

Dinner, 8:00pm(ish)
4 or so ounces of 99/1 lean turkey
3 tbsp verde salsa
2 whole wheat tortillas

Next week I'll branch out a bit. I love love love love roasted veggies, so I'll be doing an assortment next week. I also love rotisery chicken, albiet high in salt, and I love mashed califlower with vinegar. So I'll be incorporating those next week. I'm very excited.

Cheers to something new.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Post Script: Small Steps

Repentance means turning around and going the opposite direction.

Since my post: many things have changed. God has been changing me. I think God changes us when we're willing.

I had this moment with God in the car, sometime in late December. I remember praying that I was tired of being who I was. Ironically, I had told people in the past who were constantly cranky and defensive: "Isn't it hard being you?" I felt God asking me the same thing. Isn't it hard being you? Making others angry? Shutting down relationships? Being Miss-cranky-pants all the time?

So, shortly thereafter God began stirring in my heart to make some bigger changes: Spend frequent time in my Word. Reconcile even the toughest situations which you had participation in. Make it a goal to be positive in all your writing on public forums. :) You think I'm kidding, don't you? Seriously.

I had a boss who follows God. He is full of compassion and grace. He is the second most Christ-like person I've ever worked for. And his best Christ-like quality, which Richard Foster would say is WHO he is and not something he DOES, he is humble and doesn't know he is humble. Anyway, this boss said to me something profound several months ago: You cannot forgive something that didn't happen.

I told him, he was right. But that I also know, staying angry at someone, holding a grudge, doesn't actually hurt the person with whom you are angry or hold a grudge. It only hurts you. Much forgiveness has happened in the past six months.

I apologized to two people whom I'd hurt deeply with my words. One was a former co-worker. I am so glad we reconciled. How this started: I felt God urging me to pray for him shortly after I had my moment with God in the car. So I did. It didn't start out bitterly. But it did start out short. "God, be with him." Then it grew to, "God, you love him. So, show Him your love today." Then it grew to: "God, if you love him, so should I." It's funny how small steps become gigantic steps in relationship to an all loving God. The best part is, our reconciliation was a blessing to me. I got to see his new born baby, and see his wife.

Then I began reading this book: Repenting of Religion by Gregory A Boyd. It suggests that we eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil every time we judge someone, and it is this judgment which keeps people away from Jesus. Now, it's much more eloquantly articulated, and a highly recommended read, but God's word through it has been changing me. I've taken Boyd's challenge to start seeing other people - ALL PEOPLE - even those whom I view to be "highly hypocrtical abusers of authority" (as mentioned in my previous "Small Steps" entry in early December), with Christ's love, forgiveness, grace, and compassion. As God worked on my heart I kept feeling Him bring up this situation with another person. Honestly, I felt righteous about the whole situation. (I can justify anything - but I feel most people are talented at justifying their wrong actions.) But, God kept pulling my heart to seek reconciliation. To admit I was wrong (even though I felt very right). So, one day, while getting ready in the morning, I felt God say, 'Do it Now'. So, I stopped myself mid-hair brush stroke, and made contact with this person and sought reconciliation.

There is a difference in doing these things because I am obligated to do them. If I tell my husband this: "I love because I am obligated to by our marriage vows." Does he feel loved? If I tell God, "I will seek reconciliation because I am obligated to." am I authentically seeking reconciliation for the reasons God has for me? Why does Martha neglect spending time with Jesus? Because she has cultural obligations. Who else is going to prepare the meal and clean up if she doesn't do it? But Mary sees time with Jesus as more important than the obligation. Obligations will get done. But what is greater?

This week I will begin a clean diet. And this week I'll be going back to gym.