Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week in Review

Well, after 5 days of eating all the time (but really, surprisingly, I was only ever eating 900-1200 cals a day). But I was eating so much all the time that I was never hungry and had WAY more energy. Now, I get that 900 a day doesn't seem wise, but on the particular diet I'm on, I'm eating a TON of egg whites (very little cals) fruit, veggies, lean chicken, and a TON of water.

Some of the awesome/weird side-effects. I have WAY more energy. Despite the fact I think I went through junk food withdrawal several times. I only drink about half a cup of coffee now (4oz). I feel better now; not as "sick" feeling all the time. I do have gas though (hahaha)... but I'm much more regular; really the gas only happens right after I eat, and it's worse if I add too much salt.

Even my tastes have started to change. On Wednesday, after my workout, I wanted a grape fruit. I was shocked. I've never craved healthy things. Well, ok that's not completely true, I have craved salads before (with buffalo fried chicken on top). :) But a grapefruit? Cold from the fridge. An itty-bitty bit of Truvia on top (less than half a packet). It was SO good. Ate the whole thing. And the juice. It was so sour though that I didn't want more once it was gone. :)

The most difficult part is staying prepped for the next day AND eating every 3 hours. By Wednesday I was SO sick and tired of eating. Next week I'm going to incorporate some other recipes:
  • Spaghetti Squash with turkey meat balls and some homemade quick marinara.
  • Gazpacho.
That's all I got so far. Everything else is fine. Kinda getting tired of the sweet potatoes though. You can only eat those cold so many times. I may try baking half of one at work... we'll see.

4 pounds in one week is SO good. I'm stoked! Last time it took, what? 3 months of bitter weeping and hard work at the gym and starvation to lose 9.

Try it. I know you'll like it too.


  1. Freaking awesome! Keep it up!

  2. And then... I went on vacation. And gained it ALL back. Admittedly... we drove... which meant I couldn't drink as much water, and McDonalds was way easier... :( But I didn't eat McDonalds all of those two weeks! :( In fact, the week before the vacation I stuck to the diet. So in one week, give or take, I gained 10lbs! :( Whoever said "You didn't gain it over night" lied. Here we go again. All the way from the beginning.

  3. You and me both. Let's do this.
