Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Well, I am terrified to weigh back in after the holidays. What I can say is that I am back into a 10. And my "muffin-top" is definitely going down. Mom and Dad also noted that my face looks better. I feel better. I am very glad I took a break, but it's "time to get off my fat ass and exercise". That's my new slogan, by the way. I would be a dynamic motivational speaker.

Oh, I also determined I have a girl crush. Jennifer Hudson.
Jennifer Hudson
Admittedly, she's one of my inspirations at this point. I definitely want to maintain my "curves". That is actually vital, in my opinion. I think runners are beautiful, but I rather love my fabulously big butt - and so does my husband. Note: I am not saying Jennifer Hudson has a big butt, but she looks more like Marilyn Monroe than a holocaust victim. I'm also not saying runners look like holocaust victims.

Ok, I fear, I'm getting off track. When I was a little girl, I grew up on Gone with the Wind and White Christmas. Even the petite dancers were dressed to be curvy. The goal was a bust proportionate to hips and a tiny waist. And that is has always been my ideal.

Plus, she always has such cute clothing. And we sing.

My husband has a man crush on Justin Timberlake. Because of SNL. I kind of do too.

I digress.


  1. I feel like running has only made my butt bigger.

    Then again, it made everything ELSE smaller, so it's a good toss up. At least I have a great bumper! :)

  2. I love that! A great bumper. Yeah, I never want to sit on a hard bench and feel my butt bones. There is a reason God put cushion there.
