Thursday, January 7, 2016


Well, howdy y'all!

So, I had a baby. Four, or so, years before the baby, at the time this blog was created, I had dropped to approximately 175lbs through the help of Weight Watchers. It was awesome. Around that time, though, I began a high stress, long hours job called youth ministry. I'd felt called to youth ministry as a junior in high school and never looked back. Much of this blog chronicles my struggles with ministry in a very raw and authentic way - because I'm very raw and authentic. I qualify that because if you read this blog, I'll probably offend you. I like to offend people. I feel it helps them, us, think.

I had taken a break from head-on ministry and it was during that time I dropped all the weight. After two years back in ministry I'd gained 25lbs and right before getting pregnant (10 or so months ago) I'd reached 201lbs. The highest weight I'd ever been. During the first two trimesters I only gained 30lbs. I was so stoked. My goal was to gain no more than 40lbs. However, my body disagreed with that goal. On the day I gave birth, I weighed 254lbs. I ended up having preclampsia and with this condition it is common that women will gain a lot of water weight very quickly, which was the case with me. I think the doctors freaked out when I gained almost 11lbs in a matter of days.

Nevertheless, we now have a beautiful baby boy born December 8th, 2015 at 1:46am weighing in at 8lbs 7.1oz. Today, January 7th, 2016, I'm at 215.2lbs. I'm super pleased.

Over the next few weeks I'll be updating my blog on baby stuff. What happened in the hospital, how weight is a huge part of the judgments associated with pregnancy, and then several baby-related things that will be off topic from the main purpose of this blog: chronicling my attempt to repent of being fat. However, having been a youth pastor for much of my adult life, I have a knack for tying any lesson or thought to a greater idea: for the purpose of this blog, everything in life we can be gluttonous, selfish, sonsabitches.

I'm very excited to get back to the gym. As soon as I get the go ahead, I'll be there busting my fat ass again.

Oh, and, I'm no longer in ministry. As much as I can help it, I plan to never be in ministry again because I'm not a politician. I swear like a sailor in most company outside of a professional setting; my most favorite phrase being "mother-fucker". I'm debating whether or not I'm agnostic.

Merry reading!

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